Portland, Or.  1/14/2009– The Portland River Hawks



Call to Practice

Now that the holidays are over, it's time to start focusing on baseball again. Remember, what you do now and how you prepare directly translates into the successes you'll have on the pitcher's mound this spring. If your season starts in March or April, January is the time to start introducing throwing and conditioning, so you gain strength, improve velocity and promote an overall healthy arm. The first couple weeks in the weight room should be pretty low in intensity and low to moderate in volume. The main purpose of these first couple weeks is to get your body acclimated to lifting again. Once your body is acclimated to the lifting, it's time to increase both the intensity and the volume. This is the time of year for the highest reps, usually in the 8-12 range.  The goal of this phase is to increase lean mass. Nobody is trying to be a bodybuilder, but it is great to add some lean mass to be used later in the year to develop explosive power. If this is your first time lifting for baseball, I suggest you seek a professional who can help you with your foundation.  Too many people just jump right in without knowing how to do the exercises.  They end up getting hurt and never reaching their potential. Even if you just work with someone for a couple weeks to get the basics, this will be very helpful ... or, if you're the type of player who has a strong work ethic and a desire to improve performance and make it to the next level ...you can take the guesswork out of your off-season workouts with a copy of my 188-page "TUFFCUFF Strength and Conditioning Manual for Baseball Pitchers."

TUFFCUFF has more than 509 pictures and 193 specific exercises, all laid out in easy-to-follow training charts that include throwing programs, too, so you'll be one step ahead of the competition.


Make it your goal to workout with a purpose this month! The small investment you make now can and will pay big dividends this season.


Steven Ellis

Former Chicago Cubs pitching pro


Wooden Bat Facts:

- Be sure to hit with the label facing up or down. By doing so, you will be hitting the ball on the bat's strongest surface. By hitting on that side, you will find the "sweet spot" on your bat. Just as using a metal bat, hitting the baseball squarely on the sweet spot will help you reach the fences.
More Wooden Bat Facts

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